Friday, March 14, 2008

Where Debot Goes

For my service learning project that I am doing with Tyler G. and Adam G. is "Where Debot Goes." We are making a model of the digestive system and going to be telling people about what happens when you eat food from Debot. We will be set up in the HEC and telling people that stop by our area where the model is. I am working on this project to help people better understand what happens to the eat they eat from Debot and tell them whether the food they are eating it health for them or not. We are planning to show and tell people this in the HEC when most students are heading to lunch and dinner that are walking through the HEC. I hope to learn more about how our digestive system absorbs nutrients and to learn more about what foods we need to eat to keep it us and our digestive tract healthy.

Central Wisconsin Children's Museum

The Central Wisconsin Children's Museum, is located within the Stevens Point "Mall". Together with Tyler Nigon and Adam Schultz we will be going each week to inform young children of different types of animals. Basically what we will be doing is having a short (30 mins. at most) presentation of something relating to animals. We will then follow up the presentation with an activity of some sort. Our first week we were thinking of discussing the migration of birds or something relating to birds. Then for our activity will be making pine cone bird feeder for them to hang outside in spring. Our main objective is to let the kids have fun, while still learning interesting facts. I am especially excited to work with children because I am hoping to be in the dentistry field working with kids someday.

Teaching at the Children’s Museum

For my service-learning project, I will be volunteering at the Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum with Amy Simmons and Adam Schultz. We will be using our time to teach the children about basic animal concepts such as the things different animals eat and where they like to live. Since they are younger children, we are also planning several short activities we could do with them such as different arts and crafts projects. Personally, I think I will get a lot out of this volunteer work because when I help others in the community, I usually get a great feeling of gratification. I believe this experience will especially help me after I graduate, because it will give me a different perspective on how I talk to younger children to maybe get them interested in the profession I am pursuing. I am definitely looking forward to working with these children, and I think it will be a great experience for everyone in our group, and most of all I think that the children will really like it.

Fun at the childrens museum

For my service learning project i will be going to the childrens museum in downtown Stevens Point with amy simmons and tyler nigon. we will be going there to teach the children about animals in a fun ways. i think that this will be a fun project getting to work with kids and all. this will really help out in my career choice as well. i want to become a teacher after college so working with kids in this project will look really good on an application. we plan on teaching the kids about various animals from birds to cows and we will have projects for them to keep them excited and interested.

Volunteer with Children

My service project is not for sure yet because I am waiting to hear back from the hospitals, and I may have to call a few daycares. I would love to work with children and volunteer reading books or playing games with them at hospitals. I would like to do this because in my future career I would like to work as a physical therapist that specializes in pediatrics. Growing up children have always been a part of my life and I would like to keep it that way. I plan on going to a hospital or even a daycare at least once a week and just playing with the children. I hope that this helps me figure out that this is what I really what I would like to do in the future. I am really excited to start volunteering where ever that may be.

Living with Dementia

For my service-learning project I will be volunteering at the Portage County Health Care Center. Here I will spend time with older people who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Many of the people in the home are very unaware of where they are and how they got there. Also because they are getting along in their later years many of them have difficulty hearing. So what I hope to get out of this experience is to have a better understanding of how people get dementia and how they have to live with it. I want to get to know the residents of this home and spend some good quality time having fun and trying to enjoy life with these people. Also hopefully learning to be heard by a deaf person.