Friday, April 18, 2008

Cellular Respiration

My group meet yesterday to plan what we will be doing on the animation. We used some references from the Internet to reword and simplify for high school students about cellular respiration. We came up with three main steps and an extra step if needed. We are only planning on using the three steps though. We also drew a few sketch's on what each slide will look like. We could not do anything on the computer yet but wrote out the outline for the script. We want to start recording the next time we meet. The next time we meet will be on Tuesday after Bio. We hope to work for a few hours on the animation and the talking. We meet this time for over an hour. The planning of what we are going to say is not the easiest due to the fact that we have to bring it down so everyone can understand what we are talking about. This project or what we have so far should help many students have a better understanding.

Sturgeon Patrol

Andy and I are both looking forward to our service learning. It is going to be a big day. After class on Wednesday we are going to pack up a cooler of soda, some lawn chairs and some flashlights and our cameras. We are going to leave Stevens Point around 4:30 PM. We will drive 60 miles to Shiocton. We then have to go to “fish camp.” Here we get a meal and they then train us on what to do, give us a sack lunch, and assign us to and area. Once we get to and area, we are stationed there until 7 AM. While here our job is to make sure nobody harasses the fish or tries to catch them. If they do we will call it in on the supplied cell phone. Then we are going to drive back and be back in time to go to lab at 9. We are going to nap a lot before going to this because it is going to be a long time to go without sleep. I think it is going to be interesting to watch the sturgeon. They are such a prehistoric fish and a large fish.

autism night at the childrens museum

last week we went to autism night at the childrens museum. I was a little unsure of what to expect as i went there as i have never been around an individual with autism. when i got there there were 2 children with autism. they were the complete opposite of each other. one was extremely hyper while the other child was calm and quiet. each one had there little niche that they would do to i guess calm and collect themselves. the quiet one would touch your face and keep to himself while the hyper one would hold things close to his face and hop around a little bit. over all i definately think that this was a learning experience and it was fun as well

CPS Daycare

Going into the classroom I never know what the next little kid is going to say to me and that always keep me smiling. Of course you get the kids that are at times a pain in the but because they are not very happy but they get happy by the end of class. Sitting and playing with the kids is a great way to start my day because I just love spending time with them. Today I met some new little girls and we danced and sang together, I would do this with my friends but I wasnt sure if I should do it in public : ) With little kids it is nice because it is like they bring out the inner child in you. The best part of the day today was the little girl that said she only gave certain people hugs and that I was one of them and I got some good hugs let me tell you : ) I love working with kids and always smiling and giggling with them.

Service-learning project

I have been working on my service learning project but I have realized it would be a lot easier to something here in Stevens Point or Plover rather than going all the way back to my hometown. The weeks are getting down there but I should have everything set-up by the end of next week. I was also thinking of doing something different than teaching children because I have already experienced that. Even though it is a good feeling to know that you had something to do with the child's education but I would like to do something different than I have done. I will know everything for sure by the end of next week and I'll keep everyone in touch of what how everything is going and what I decided to do instead.

dorm room sickness

Our project is coming along and we have a pamphlet made up. We are still working on ways to make it more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read. One thing I thought of overnight was do we have to get our posters approved for being able to be put up or are we allowed to just tape them to the walls. I know in the dorms some things are just on the walls but around campus theres things that say UWSP approved or something like that. On our pamphlet's we covered common infections and sicknesses you could get staying in a dorm becuase of the close contact and company of having a roomate. We tell how you get it, what it is, the symptoms, and how to treat it as well as the duration of the infections. As for now, thats all we've done but we plan on getting together this week and take care of a few things.

common dorm sicknesses

So far everything is going well. The members of our group are working together well and we are starting to see some good progress. Bathroom signs have started to go up and they seem to be going over well. We still need to figure out a date for an infomational and questions session but everything else is going smooth.

The significance of our work is to help educate students about some of the common sicknesses and diseases in the dorms and how to prevent them. I think this is important because keeping students healthy can only benefit there academic experience at there respected college.

Four Hoofed fun!

I have more pictures than I could imagine what to do with. Though its mainly because I have gotten distracted while at the horse rescue by either taking portraits of my friend for her mom to print out and hang on the fridge, or the sheer thrill of trying to take pictures of the horses as they run all over with spring fever, and taking pictures of that instead of my project. Everyone is still pretty filthy, even though we did go out with brushes these kids needs a hose or something!

So far I have 4 pigments on the page (Bay, Chestnut, Dapple Gray, and Roan) Though the roan is the only one in the format that I want it. Where there is a thumb of a focused point.. I am in the process of putting text on 4 more (Appaloosa, Paint, Palomino, and Silver Dapple) and than I still have to find a good picture out of my stock of oh.. 500 pictures of a good gray (which looks white) a black (without too much bleaching) and edit those.

As for the service part, the last few times we have gone out there, the owner Mary, had already gotten the chores done. So this last time we didn't know a head of time. So we just swept the isle and than picked up the trash around the pastures. I learned twice that the fence was on (which it usually isnt) due to that had a close contact with what I hope was mud, but I know it was 90% not.

I really could use some feedback on the website, since my roommate has no idea what I am going on about half the time.
and that is

Also the pictures included are are Shakira, who decided to roll in what we are going to call mud, you can see on her inner leg and her face what color she SHOULD be, but isnt. There is also a picture of the farm from the road, its only one of the pastures, theres about 30 horses there or so. (PS, the on lying down is not dead, he just enjoys sunning himself) The pictures of the horses running are of the two new rescues, they are both untrained, and nearly ran me over. The cat is patches, who is just as much as this project as any of the horses, she will jump up into your arms if you want her to or not. That little dent in her fur is where she burned her head on a lamp. Shes not the smartest thing...


This past week I went through the information that I had about cellular respiration and tried to break it down step by step into a fairly simplified version of the complete cycle. Trying to simplify something as complex as cellular respiration has been much more difficult than I first thought it would be, but going through this process I am learning quite a bit. First I am learning how to think different, thinking differently in trying to figure out a way to make others understand the points I'm trying to make, this has required me to change my tactics several times and overall is starting to make me a more adaptable person in a sense. Also, by running through the steps so many times in my head I almost know the entire cycle like the back of my hand.
Our group also met this week Thursday after lab got out. During our time together we began making preliminary sketches of what the animation is actually going to look like along with a very primitive script which will be easier to refine later on. We discussed back and forth the information that we believed to important and what information we absolutely needed in order for the whole process to make sense.
Our next meeting time is after lecture next Tuesday.

Humane Society

This week, I went to the humane society on Tuesday, April 14 and Wednesday April 15. I spent two and a half hours volunteering on Tuesday and an additional hour on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Vicki and I mainly focussed on walking dogs. We took a young light brown pitbull out. Vicki was really scared of it because of all of the stories of these dogs being mean, but actually this dog was really nice. Then, we walked a border collie. This dog was one of my favorites. She was so nice and easy to walk . Then, we went and played with a few cats for a little while. The next day we walked a beagle and then a black lab. All of these dogs were so good and friendly. I was actually really surprised that almost all of the animals at the humane society are nice to people, but I found out the people there test the animals to make sure they are kind to humans. They test the animals by grabing their tail and bothering them while they are eating. They need people to voluteer with these animals so the animals become use to humans and become more friendly, loveable animals. By voluteering, we make these animals kinder creatures, so they will be more likely to get adopted into a nice home. I try to play with the older more scruffy animals because they are are less likely to be adopted and need a lot of attention.The first day I volunteered, I was really surprised to see how small the kennels and homes were for these animals. They should have more room to run and play. I think the community should raise money to help build a larger humane society. The society should also make paths going back into the woods, so we are not restricted to just walking the dogs around the small building. These dogs should have a large fence outside so we can let them off their leash and play catch with them outside. By volunteering at the humane society, I'm helping the community and gaining knowledge about animals at the same time. I am always excited to voluteer at the humane society, and I look forword to it every week.