Friday, May 2, 2008
Cellular Respiration Animation Update
Sturgeon Patrol
Last Wednesday night Andy and I embarked on our expedition as sturgeon guards. After leaving Stevens Point we drove out to Shiocton and went to the main base camp, also known as “fish camp.” This camp is a DNR owned farmhouse where all the volunteering folks are assigned areas and told what to do. When we arrived we were sent downstairs to eat a home cooked supper and pack our lunch for the night. While we were eating I was interviewed by a representative from Wisconsin Public Radio. I was then broadcasted this past Tuesday on the radio. While eating other volunteers were arriving back from the day shift and we talked about how many fish they seen and any other interesting events. After supper we then went upstairs and were assigned an area to go and perform sturgeon guard. We were also given a hat. We were place in a remote location along the Wolf River. The name of the place was “the shithouse.” This location was very secluded and there were dozens of sturgeon present along the rivers banks. Our duties were to watch for poachers or anybody harassing the fish. I few saw any we had to call the base or the local conservation warden on duty. While we were here we had the chance to view the sturgeon practicing their spawning rituals. The female would come near the shore and the males would then brush up next to her and perform external fertilization. The sturgeon spawned all night. We were there until 6:30 in the morning. We then went back to base and had breakfast there. After breakfast we said our thank you’s and good bye’s and headed back to school. I then made it into lab at 9 and did not sleep until later that night. It was hard on the body but I feel that it was an amazing experience. I plan on returning next year and I would recommend this to anyone interested in fishes. I am unable to get my pictures up but I have some up by early next week.
The YMCA continued
When I started volunteering at the Y, I really did not expect too much of it. I thought I would go, put my time in, and get my points for it. But, over the next few weeks, I really enjoyed myself, and enjoyed working with kids. The experiences I had at the YMCA in Stevens Point prompted me to apply for a position at the Y back home in Green Bay. I got the job, and am going to be working with kids all summer, so having the volunteer work at the Y really paid off for me. I am glad we did the service-learning project.
Dorm sicknesses update
With the end of the year coming up fast we are getting very close to completeing out service project. The power point has been completed which means all we have to do is present the material to our dorm mates. The power point has a lot of valuable information in it including some of the more common sicknesses in the dorms, prevention of the sicknesses and appropriate treatment. I think it is information that will help a lot of people from getting sick in the future. As of right now we are planning on doing our presentations to our halls next week. Overall I enjoyed working on the project with the members of our group and i think we work well as a team. I have enjoyed teaching fellow students how to protect themselves from common sicknesses thus far and hope the presentation is a success. I know i have learned alot from this project and i hope others do as well.
Also the posters are still up in the bathroom and have been for some time. We are starting to reciveing some positive feedback which is cool.
Toilet Teacher

More Schmeekle Adventures
Another Update
Homework Center Service Learning
cellular Respiration
My group just meet yesterday and we were working on the voice parts for the cellular respiration animation. We meet yesterday in a room in the library where we could have it quiet so we could record the talking parts for each slide. We broke up the talking parts by slide so we could all have equal parts. We also meet last week for awhile to finish drawing up our slides and finishing up writing the parts we were going to say. Dr. Bala came for a little while yesterday and saw us recording our voices which took us a few times to get perfect. Friday, I am going to work with Liz and maybe Cody on fixing some of the animation all day in the art building. This should be interesting to see how it all comes together with the animation and us speaking in the back ground. My group has been working very well together and we could be happy with the results because this is a difficult task to do. I did not know how much work was actually there to make an animation but the results will be worth it. We will meet again next week to finish up the animation and fix anything within the voices or the timing of everything.
Losing a Resident
In regards to the resident that passed away, I'm so happy I got to do this project because I got to spend more time with her. When it was warm out last week I actually took this resident for a walk on a trail behind the building. The whole time she kept saying how wonderful it was to be outside and that everything was so beautiful. She was able to appreciate the little things like nature, and it made me realize I need to slow down sometimes and do that too. I'm really going to miss this resident, but I'm glad I got to learn from her.