I have done volunteer work in the past but I had never really thought about my influence on the society that I had volunteered in. Being introduced to this service project was new to me and was something that I will take with me forever. I loved the over all thought of the service project, working with kids makes me happy as it is, and if I am able to show and help them in different ways it makes me feel good. As an assistant teacher I was a bit of an influence on the children, and it was nice to know that some of those kids looked up to me. It was easy to see that when I walked in the room with a huge smile on my face more children looked my way and wanted to play with me. I noticed this because there were some adults that did not always smile as much as me and I could tell that the children noticed this as well. Of course the children would rather be with the smiling teacher. I feel that showing the kids that I can be happy every time they see me is good for them because than they feel like they can be happy and silly with me as well. This is definitely a positive thing and it makes me more positive on my out looks at life with children. This project has made me realize things in myself that I would not have realized had I not spent this time at a daycare. There were many days were the kids were very well behaved and good listeners, but then there were the days where they all felt like they needed attention and needed to get into some trouble. It was days like the troubled ones, that kept me on my feet and concentrating on my patience. As they say, patience is a virtue, this is something that does not come when you are born, and is something that is hard to do at times. Working with children has helped me to pay more attention to my patience, not just with the children, but even my friends at times. I really enjoyed this opportunity for all of us to get involved with the community; I feel that it was good for the community as well as ourselves. Coming into college and being on our own it is projects like this that help us develop great habits on our own like helping out the community. The pictures that I added are of the children petting a dog that came in for their last week of classes. They loved the golden retriever named Steve, it was so great to see the smile on their faces.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
CPS Daycare
I have done volunteer work in the past but I had never really thought about my influence on the society that I had volunteered in. Being introduced to this service project was new to me and was something that I will take with me forever. I loved the over all thought of the service project, working with kids makes me happy as it is, and if I am able to show and help them in different ways it makes me feel good. As an assistant teacher I was a bit of an influence on the children, and it was nice to know that some of those kids looked up to me. It was easy to see that when I walked in the room with a huge smile on my face more children looked my way and wanted to play with me. I noticed this because there were some adults that did not always smile as much as me and I could tell that the children noticed this as well. Of course the children would rather be with the smiling teacher. I feel that showing the kids that I can be happy every time they see me is good for them because than they feel like they can be happy and silly with me as well. This is definitely a positive thing and it makes me more positive on my out looks at life with children. This project has made me realize things in myself that I would not have realized had I not spent this time at a daycare. There were many days were the kids were very well behaved and good listeners, but then there were the days where they all felt like they needed attention and needed to get into some trouble. It was days like the troubled ones, that kept me on my feet and concentrating on my patience. As they say, patience is a virtue, this is something that does not come when you are born, and is something that is hard to do at times. Working with children has helped me to pay more attention to my patience, not just with the children, but even my friends at times. I really enjoyed this opportunity for all of us to get involved with the community; I feel that it was good for the community as well as ourselves. Coming into college and being on our own it is projects like this that help us develop great habits on our own like helping out the community. The pictures that I added are of the children petting a dog that came in for their last week of classes. They loved the golden retriever named Steve, it was so great to see the smile on their faces.
good times at the childrens museun
Final Children's Museum
I would have to say my favorite project was being able to help out with Autism Night. Going into it we weren't sure what to expect. I had never met a child with autism and I wasn't sure if we would be doing activities. That night I learned a severe lesson in life: the ability to listen. We sat and listened to parents pour their hearts out about their unique children. I have forever been changed by their words of wisdom and hopefully by talking about it in our blogs, someone has read them and taken something away from it. In my opinion, the service learning portion of this class was a vital part of the curriculum. There is only so much that lectures and labs can teach us. I thought it was cool that we were all able to come up with our own project. It was important that we were never really given alot of specific examples of previously done projects because it forced us to think and be unique. By working in groups I was able to learn the value of cooperation and teamwork, and I also made new friends. Through our service learning project I realized how we can't always assume that kids know even the most basic things in life, they usually learn from casual conversations. They were generally intimidated by us when we came to visit because we were the "big kids", but I hope we proved them wrong by creatively teaching them new leasons about animals without them even knowing it. My hope is that we managed to educate these kids while still having a good time. I hope that they look back on their experiences with us and are just as happy as they have made us.
I learned Where Debot Goes
Going into the service learning project I was pretty skeptical about the learning part. I knew that I would be doing a service to for the community but was not to sure about how much I was going to learn. During my service learning project I learned a lot of new information as well as incite into the social aspects of trying to educate the public. A majority of the people who walked through the HEC were unresponsive to the information that we were presenting. For the most part the people who stopped were people we knew and were curious to see what we were doing. If I did this project again, I would chose a more interesting subject and have a more interactive display so that we could get more people we didn’t know to get curious and come check it out. Learning how to more effectively engage and teach the public is an important skill I gained from this project. This is an important skill to learn because I plan on having a career in natural resource management and teaching the public about current issues is a part of that job. I also gained skills in teamwork during this project. In order for us to put a successful project together we had to make decisions about the information, poster size, design, layout etc. that satisfied the whole group.Learning about the digestive system and the common diseases for the different organs has helped me make wiser lifestyle choices. Eating a more balanced diet and cutting down on my alcohol consumption are two things that I have been doing and as a result my digestive system is healthier and I feel better than ever. Before this project I didn’t know why I got ailments like acid reflux and canker sores but now I know how to avoid getting them. The service learning project connected to a couple of my classes. The first was the lab portion of our class. When dissecting the rat, crayfish, etc. I was able to identify the different digestive organs because they were pretty similar to the human digestive system. It also connected to my health and wellness class because a big part of staying healthy is keeping your digestive system healthy and eating
Schmeekle Reserve
For my service learning project I did some volunteer work at Schmeekle Reserve. I thought this would be a good place to do the project because I am a natural resources major. The main purpose of my project was to help make Schmeekle Reserve a better place for visitors, learn more about it for myself, and to learn more about animals.
Looking back on the project I think it went pretty good. When I first started working there I was unsure about how it was going to go because I was unsure about what type of work I was going to be doing. Alex, the person who helped me get started, said he would make a list of things for me to do and leave it there for me. The first thing I did when I was there was help make signs in the shop. This is helpful to the people that are at Schmeekle because the signs inform visitors about the rules and they also mark the trails and help you know where you are while you are walking them. When I was there I also walked the trails and looked for muddy spots. I marked the spots on a map and then they were filled in with wood chips. This really benefits the visitors there so they don’t get muddy or have to walk off the trail. While I was doing this I really learned my way around Schmeekle because I have never walked around the whole thing before. I was also able to look for animals and identify them while I was doing this. This really benefited me because it was related to the class. Some of the animals I seemed to notice the most were: Red winged blackbirds, crows, mallards, and robins. I also saw quite a few deer. One thing I noticed about the deer is how tame they are. I was able to come about 15 or 20 yards from them and they didn’t even move. I probably could have got even closer but I just kept walking on the trail. I also helped them build a frame for a boardwalk they are putting in over a wet spot. This was fun because I like to build things and it was nice to work with other UWSP students that work there year round. It was also nice to help build something that I know many people will use for a long time while they are walking the trails.
My project was pretty much what I expected. What I wanted to get out of this project is a better understanding about what goes on at Schmeekle and I wanted to learn more about it. I think I fulfilled these expectations by working hand in hand with members of their staff. I also learned more about the reserve by just exploring it for myself.
Where Debot Goes
For our service learning project we did Where Debot Goes. The main purpose of our project was to help people learn more about the digestive system with what it is all made of and some common diseases in the digestive system. I believe it was a good project to do and did help me with learning more about different diseases. With going to into Athletic Training, I need to know what helps make the digestive system run properly and doing this project helped me with knowing what foods help keep a healthy digestive system. Also, found out how much of the particular food you need to eat too.
The first day we presented our project in the HEC was on Wednesday April 29th from 11:45- 12:45. The first day was kind of slow with getting people come and stop to look at the poster and talk with us. Many students just walked by and laughed when they looked at the name of the poster. We did get a few students to stop and ask a few questions but not many. Then on Thursday, Tyler and Adam were presenting the poster in the HEC and according to them, they had many more students and faculty stopped by and ask questions. Friday when Tyler and I presented the poster had to wait longer until the rain stopped so the poster didn’t get ruined by the rain. That day we didn’t have anyone really stop and ask questions. There were very few students who walked through the HEC at that time. Tyler and I both agreed that the time we went was not a good time and if we could have, to have been in the HEC earlier in the afternoon than when we went. With being in the HEC during the busy time when students are going to class or lunch helped with students walking through the HEC but I believe some of the students either had something to or just didn’t want to stop.
I believe it was a great project for helping students to understand how the digestive system works but it doesn’t help when students don’t stop by to learn something. I really don’t know exactly what we could have done different but if there was something we could have done differently, we would have. For me, I was hoping to get more students to stay by but that didn’t happen so that was kind of frustrating but yet I also had a feeling that not many students were actually going to stop by and questions too. It was still a good experience for me since I got to learn more about how too keep my digestive system healthy and working properly. I would do the project again but different so more students would be more likely to stop by and ask questions.
Final Comments on the Children's Museum
My group members and I have found our work at the Central Wisconsin Children’s Museum to be very beneficial and well worth our time. At first glance, many people have the notion that the only person that is benefiting from someone’s volunteer service is the person that you are directly helping. I have found this to be invalid throughout my time working with the children at the museum. With our work, we had helped numerous young children with little animal projects that gave them a much better understanding of a certain animals eating habits, habitat, migration habits, being able to distinguish that one species from another, and many more concepts. The thing that really surprised me as the semester rolled along was the little ways that this service-learning project was really benefiting me. I knew it would be ethically good to help and volunteer, but I had no idea how much it would help my socialization and teaching skills. In the past, I have never really sat down with someone specifically to teach him or her something about something that they might not completely understand. On top of this, I have not really associated with kids ages 3-10 like I did when spending time at the Children’s Museum. I do have younger siblings and I do know how they can behave, and act, but I usually do not sit down and spend time with them teaching something to them, mostly because I do not see them a whole lot because I am gone at college. At first, I found myself in a way kind of shy when trying to talk to the children or when working on the projects with them, but each time I returned to the museum, I found myself more comfortable with them and began interacting with them more and more.
This service-learning experience did connect to the things we were learning in class in that we took the topics we learned, and broadened them out to teach them at a children’s level. When we were doing this, we often found ourselves reading children’s books we got from the library and learning many little interesting facts that we had never known before. I thought this was a great way to learn things in the topics we are going through in class, and I think it was a great way to teach us to be involved and help out within the community, because it really does help you as well as the people you are performing the service for. I think this was a very good activity that more courses should consider incorporating into their curriculum. With all things considered, I had a great time with my experience at the Children’s Museum and I think it is a very good experience to have and would recommend an experience like this at least once in someone’s life, just so they know the things you can benefit from it. Usually, after someone does it once, they find the personal benefits that can be obtained and continue to volunteer throughout the course of their life.
final toilet teacher post
When we first started the service learning project I didn’t expect to learn much of anything. I thought it was just going to be some busy work to try and get us involved in the community but I was quite wrong. I actually learned some valuable information from my service experience and I think a lot of other people did as well. Our project involved teaching our fellow dorm users about some of the common sicknesses and diseases in the dorms and ways to prevent them. I think it was very beneficial for the students who read our flyers and attended our informational meeting. We made informational pamphlets to hang in the bathroom. I think these made a big impact we knew the pamphlets already in the bathroom by heart so we knew people would read our pamphlet if it was put up in every bathroom. They now have information that can help them stay healthier when they stay in the dorms in the future and throughout their life. Our informational meeting went very well. It was a little repetitive from the pamphlets but there was a lot of new information added as well. We had a good turnout and everyone that showed up left with some good information on how to stay healthy in the future.
Looking back, the only thing we talked about that we would want to change would be a wider variety of sicknesses. We started our project during the end of winter so we concentrated on sicknesses common in the winter but now people will be prepared for next winter.
The aspect of the service project I found most beneficial for myself and other members of my group was that we actually had to do some teaching. We had to prepare information in a way that students of our age would pay attention and be interested. It was quite a challenge and now we know what college professors have to go through every day to try and keep students interested.
Final post: Animation
Throughout this entire project I have learned quite a bit about not only organizational skills but also how difficult it is to prepare something educational. This project was more difficult than I had previously imagined it to be, the time and effort I put into researching the topic and analyzing it in order to help the group not only understand the material but also for creating the animations. I hope that the others in the group had a similar experience as I did and that those who view our animation will have a little better understanding of cellular respiration. The final product will be very usef as a learning resource for students who either have a professor/teacher show them this animation during their curiculum or are doing research of their own.
Along the way there were several things that suprised me, during research, editing information, and about group dynamics. During the research I thought I would have been able to find all the information that I would need quite easily and I believed that I had a good grasp on understanding the material; I was mistaken. I read text book accounts, online sources, and even a few animations and all of which were at a different level of thinkings. It suprised me how information varied throughout these different sources making it very difficult to know which one's had the most accurate information that could be used for this project. On average it took me about 10 hours a week to find sources that were useable, needless to say there were a lot of "hit and misses." Then after collecting all the sources it was shocking how difficult it was to "weed out" the information that was either irrelevant to the material or was too far in depth than what we wanted to present. For each step with in Cellular Respiration it took me at least 2, if not more, hours to go through and edit the information to suit our purposes. Group dynamics was probably the thing that surprised me most. I thought we would work quite well together, we did for the most part, but after a while it seemed that individuals in the group were doing all of one aspect of the production but not even able to aid in another aspect either because they didn't want to or because they weren't allowed to.
I have always had a keen interest in service of the community since I was young. I volunteered at my scout group and school to do small things like highway clean up or canned food drive, things of that nature, and it has instilled in me a sense of pride in being able to help others. So I definantly see myself serviceing my future communities later in life with out a doubt.
Toilet Teacher Final Blog
During my service learning project, my group as well as I found what we had done very beneficial. We at first thought of doing the normal volunteering somewhere and get experience that way but then, because of the time we had a different idea. When we first started or brainstormed about what we could do for our project, most group members were sick. What we realized is that most people in our dorms were sick. We wanted to spread the knowledge about the common sicknesses found throughout the dorms. We decided to make posters that explained how you get a sickness, the symptoms, and how it’s treated and avoided. After our pamphlet was finished, we posted them on every stall in the bathroom in our dorm. We took this idea from the previous informational posters on the wall that we could all recite word by word. We also gave a presentation to a number of students from the dorms. Although the presentation may have been repetitive depending on how often they have bowel movements, or actually read our pamphlet, I think it was very educating to everyone. What we hoped everyone who witnessed our presentation, or read our pamphlet got from our project, was knowledge that would improve their health in the years to come. We hope that everyone left the bathroom a little smarter. Not only did other people learn something from our project, but my group members and I learned quite a bit as well. We all had a basic understanding of what causes you to get sick and how to treat it. We’ve all been sick with most of the sicknesses we chose, but researching more in depth we found there’s still a lot to know. We realized the actual virus that causes strep, what goes on with mono (WBC’s), and misconceptions about the cold. We got a better knowledge of these sicknesses which will benefit not only ourselves as we go through life, but our future families and friends as well. The one thing we wished we would have done differently was the sicknesses we chose. When we first began our project, it was middle of winter. This project has taught me a lot and I hope it helped others as much as it did to me. Obviously the kinds of sickness have changed from then till now but now at least they will have a better understanding of what to expect next winter. Overall, my group, and the people of our dorm will have a better understanding and a healthier life when it comes to common dorm room sicknesses.
The End Is Here
These people have changed my life forever and a part of them will always stay with me. They opened my eyes to how fragile life really is; also that we basically take it for granted. We always say, “oh, well I’ll do it tomorrow” and we constantly put things off. We never say how we feel or speak the immediate truth. I think the most important thing I’ve learned from this experience is to live as if there is no tomorrow.
Each resident has affected me in a different way. I met a couple whose love has been tested by these horrible aliments and has not quavered once. I met a gentleman who may have trouble remembering my name, but can still remember every word to every Johnny Cash song. Also, I met the happiest guy in the world who I don’t think I’ve never seen frown, yet every night when it gets dark the dementia just eats away at him. I really thought that this would be such an easy task spending time with these people and getting credit for class, but each time I went I couldn’t wait to go back and it became something so much more than just a silly school assignment.
I’ve had an amazing time volunteering and I hold a special place in my heart for everyone that I’ve met thus far. The other people I work with are just as amazing as the residents and every Friday I look forward to getting up and going to see all of them. I’ve made some great friends and learned some things that will last me a life time. I plan on continuing to volunteer over the summer back home, and hopefully at Portage County when I come back next semester. This has been a wonderful opportunity and I’m extremely happy that it was an opportunity I was able to experience.
Last Rescue Post.
I have learned many things through this project, one of the most important things though is that you can never know too much about horses. All this new information was just added onto everything piled on over the years. I became to realized that even though a horse is not rideable due to an injury does not mean its worthless, some of the horses there that are bound to just be pasture buddies have the most amazing personalities. I learned that the best tool in the world when a horse is charging at you is to whip your hand out and police halt them, works like a charm...if it fails, quickly roll under the fence. I learned that spring is not a photogenic season for horses. I also perfected my stall scooping skills.
My learning portion relating to biology was the study of horse colorations and than to produce a webpage with pictures to show this. I am working on some bugs in which I need to seek some technical outside advice, but I should plug in the finished project around saturday afternoon. With this bio portion it was really handy since I never really undertsood genetics, now I do, kinda. The final product can be seen here I am going to post the project on a few web forums, also add some more pictures throughout the next few weeks.
I think the biggest thing I can pull out of this is how I treat the horse I have for the summer, Red, who is a past rescue horse. An ex-racer. I spend alot of time working on the ground with him, thinking back to how it was on the ground that I gained trust and respect from those horses at the rescue. I also know that Red, isn't black like his registration papers say, rather looking closely at him I can tell he is a bay. A dark, dark bay. Though I cant tell the owners that I have leased him from, I think it would ruin their world knowing that he was just a plain ol' bay.