Saturday, May 10, 2008

good times at the childrens museun

i wasnt particularly excited about this whole project and working with kids to start out with really. i wasnt sure that i wanted to work with obnoxious kids for hours and try and make them pay attention to something when they could be out doing other things. but after the first time going to the childrens museum i found that it was actually a pretty good time. i really enjoyed working with the kids and teaching them things about animals, and hearing about what they already knew about them. some of the kids were just so excited to learn and talk to us about animals, i was a little surprised by this as i expected them to shy and afraid of a group of older kids. working with all of the kids kinda reminded me of what i was like when i was a kid and how i was interested to learn about things. there were a lot of projects that looked like they would be. it feels pretty good to know that i could teach a handfull of kids about animals and just answer any of their questions that they had. it really reinforced my interest in becoming a teacher by showing me how fun and interesting it can be to teach kids. you can go to classes all day about teaching and you never really get a good feel about what its like to teach a kid but to actually get to do it really helps in making the decision to become one. my favorite moment of this whole project was probably the first day of the project. the three of us went into the childrens museum not knowing wut to expect or anything only with our supplies. after a little while of waiting and planning kids started to come over and we were no longer afraid or unsure, we were now the fun teachers and helpers. i think that this project definately helped me out in life. i feel that i am more confident in having the ability to help and teach others as well as having a little more confidence in myself. we kinda just found this option by chance,we saw a vounteering tab and we clicked on it and happened to find it by chance. if i had to do this all over again i definately would pick to do the same thing again with out a doubt.

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