Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am partnered Sarah Fahrenkrug and together we will be volunteering our services at the Schmeekle Reserve Center. We will help out in whatever way we can, whether that be cleaning up litter or keeping trails clean. I am not sure exactly what they will have us do because it seems they are reluctant to answer their phone. However when we hear back from them, we will be more informed about how we can help.

Sarah and I chose this activity for a number of reasons. The one main reason is because our limited mobility. We both don't have cars, so we can't travel far. Another reason for it is because I enjoy being outdoors and exploring the environment. I myself have never fully explored Schmeekle, so it will be fun to inspect the new area. The last reason why I found this activity to be interesting was because I want to keep the environment clean, as cliché as it sounds.

I hope to get a lot out of this experience. Firstly a even better respect for my environment, as well as to learn the detrimental affects of pollution and how a healthy environment can flourish.

1 comment:

Susan K. said...

come spring you could see if they need any buckthorn (which is an invasive species) clearing, which is a great way to release anger (stress) on something when your studies are getting rough.