Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Service-learning project

For my service-learning project, I am going to be going to an elementary school in my hometown and teach them about the different kingdoms. I am going to have a lesson plan each time that deals with a different topic under kingdoms and have the students be able to interact with me and do some pretty fun things. I chose this as my service-learning project because I work at a daycare and have been working there for about 5 years now. I already know what it is like to teach children and what they think is fun. I know I will be dealing with older children than what I have dealt with before and I expect it to be different than what I have done in the past. I plan on going to the elementary school in my hometown on Fridays and teach for about two hours or more. I will go back a few times and be able to get to know the students. What I hope to get out of this experience is a better understanding of how to teach younger children. Learn to know what they like and what they do not like about what I am teaching them.


Samantha Huzzar said...

That sounds really interesting! It would be good for you to find out what kids that age would be interested in learning about, because it differs from age to age as it does from person to person. I hope that works out!

Anonymous said...

that sounds pretty cool. Its a good idea to get the kids interested and knowing about the different kingdoms at a young age. they are going to need it for the future.