Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Service Learning

For my service learning project, I am going to be doing some work with the UWSP TWS. I am working out the wrinkles right now but I am trying to do a little research with the deer capturing, I talked to the group leader and he said that he was going to be doing one more trapping session for us. I also am looking into going with the TWS and working with them and the Praire Chickens. I have to attend a meeting in a couple weeks to go and learn how to take notes and keep observation notes to keep a count of how many and such, which we would then turn our research into the DNR for them to use with there numbers. It should be fun and I look forward to starting it.


Devin said...

For this week with my project I went to a meeting in the TNR to learn how to keep records on the Praire Chickens. Starting next Tuesday, it sounded like everyday in the month of April they will leave here between 530am and 500am to drive about 15 minutes to Buena Vista to watch these Praire Chickens. I have now only got two days that I am signed up for, next Tuesday and the Tuesday after. I am also going to try and get in on a deer capturing effort before they are done with it for the year, this should all be very interesting.

Devin said...

I went out last week with some people from the TWS to watch and count the praire chickens. I had to be up at 4am and leave from the parking lot here at 445am so we could be in the blind before it started getting light out. That was the first day that the DNR was also there to try and trap the praire chicken to tag them and get a blood sample from them for the records. Well they had a big net set up in the middle of this big praire, and the chickens did not want nothing to do with it, they said it takes some getting use to. I did see maybe 7 total, a couple of them were all bloomed up, but they really were not close enough to get a real good look at them, I am going to try and get out again this week to watch if there is room, and for sure next week. I took my camera out, but they were too far away for a good picture. It was a long morning, and I hope the next tie I go it goes a little better.