Friday, April 11, 2008

Cellular Respiration Animation

With the two tests these last couple of weeks, our progress has moved pretty slowly. But now that we can get some real work done, I think we'll have something to show pretty soon. We finally decided exactly how we are going to begin and go about the animation. We will start with a broad shot of the entire cell, complete with organelles, and a basic definition of cellular respiration. Then we'll zoom in on each of the important components of respiration and give basic definitions of those. Then we'll go step by step through the process, being specific, yet simple enough for high school biology students to understand. Finally, we will quickly review the process one last time. We plan to leave the loop running with out our voices a few times as to allow the instructor some time to say things. My task as the art major, is to begin creating the image files we will use in the animation, starting with the overview of the cell. The others will be coming up with the simple steps and definitions. We hope that in a week or two, we can begin the recording process.

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