Friday, April 25, 2008

Hold your horses!

Theres not too much news about my project, I am still plugging away at making the webpage, I only have one more color specimin to find, and than my picture taking fun is over. There is one new thing that happened which is kinda a disapointment. At St. francis horse rescue, mary (the owner) was talking with the insurance company and now there is a new rule that we can't go into the pasture with the horses unless Mary is home. Well, that puts a good damper on our fun. Since its pretty hard to hang out with them when they are all out on the far end of the pasture. I see the purpose behind it though, they rather us not get hurt and sue them. Understandable.

This weekend I had to come back home for some various things and offered to help out at the farm I volunteer for down here, which is a therapy riding center (for children with disabilities) they needed people to feed the horses this weekend. So waking up near the time I go to bed on the weekends I headed over there to feed. It was nice to see how all the critters were doing. I also found my Black horse, Dimma (which means darkness in icelandic), who is an icelandic pony and is all black with no bleaching Bleaching is a problem that I was having with the horses I was finding, where they are classified as black, but they have lighter spots by their legs, face, and mane from the sun. I also have to learn how to lunge a horse before summer, when I have to ride full time (oh darn) so I tried on this little fat mini horse, Steve, ( his head reaches about my waist) ... who is about the same size around as he is tall. He did not want to humor me! We would run down the pasture ( i would take big walking strides) and then try to lunge, as soon as we got set up for lunging (which is basically having the horse do circles around you while attached by a lead rope..) he started refusing, he would just turn his body enough, and then try to kick me. He is a very bitter little horse, he tried to kick me while I was feeding him earlier. I still have the rest of the weekend to work with him, if all else fails, I can work with one of the more trained larger horses, but wheres the fun in that.

I found it funny that when I was feeding I managed to tell one of the horses to well, hold you horses... I laughed out loud.. and horse just stole the hay while I was being amused by my unintended pun.
It was dumpy weather this morning so no pictures. Will edit the ones in of the critters at the barn here in MN.

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