Friday, April 18, 2008

Sturgeon Patrol

Andy and I are both looking forward to our service learning. It is going to be a big day. After class on Wednesday we are going to pack up a cooler of soda, some lawn chairs and some flashlights and our cameras. We are going to leave Stevens Point around 4:30 PM. We will drive 60 miles to Shiocton. We then have to go to “fish camp.” Here we get a meal and they then train us on what to do, give us a sack lunch, and assign us to and area. Once we get to and area, we are stationed there until 7 AM. While here our job is to make sure nobody harasses the fish or tries to catch them. If they do we will call it in on the supplied cell phone. Then we are going to drive back and be back in time to go to lab at 9. We are going to nap a lot before going to this because it is going to be a long time to go without sleep. I think it is going to be interesting to watch the sturgeon. They are such a prehistoric fish and a large fish.

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