Saturday, May 10, 2008

I learned Where Debot Goes

Going into the service learning project I was pretty skeptical about the learning part. I knew that I would be doing a service to for the community but was not to sure about how much I was going to learn. During my service learning project I learned a lot of new information as well as incite into the social aspects of trying to educate the public. A majority of the people who walked through the HEC were unresponsive to the information that we were presenting. For the most part the people who stopped were people we knew and were curious to see what we were doing. If I did this project again, I would chose a more interesting subject and have a more interactive display so that we could get more people we didn’t know to get curious and come check it out. Learning how to more effectively engage and teach the public is an important skill I gained from this project. This is an important skill to learn because I plan on having a career in natural resource management and teaching the public about current issues is a part of that job. I also gained skills in teamwork during this project. In order for us to put a successful project together we had to make decisions about the information, poster size, design, layout etc. that satisfied the whole group.Learning about the digestive system and the common diseases for the different organs has helped me make wiser lifestyle choices. Eating a more balanced diet and cutting down on my alcohol consumption are two things that I have been doing and as a result my digestive system is healthier and I feel better than ever. Before this project I didn’t know why I got ailments like acid reflux and canker sores but now I know how to avoid getting them. The service learning project connected to a couple of my classes. The first was the lab portion of our class. When dissecting the rat, crayfish, etc. I was able to identify the different digestive organs because they were pretty similar to the human digestive system. It also connected to my health and wellness class because a big part of staying healthy is keeping your digestive system healthy and eating

1 comment:

Zach Koepke said...

You guys did a nice job. Not many people stop at those tables because there are always people there selling stuff. It's nice that you leaned other skills that will help you out later. The digestive system is very important and keeping it healthy is very important, just like you said.