Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Schmeekle Reserve

I finially got a chance to start doing some volunteer work last Friday morning. When I first got there we went down to the workshop in the basement of the visitor center. They build custom signs for people there and I had to sand one of the signs. After I finished up with that I walked along all of the trails in the reserve. I was looking for wet and mucky spots and marked them on a map. The reason they wanted me to do this is so after I was finished someone could come and lay down some wood chips in the marked spots. While I was walking the trails I spotted a lot of wildlife. Some of the birds that I saw were the crow, cardinal, robin, red winged black bird, and a few mallards. The most interesting part of the day was getting about 15 or 20 yards away from two does. I was walking along the trail and I spotted them feeding. I just kept walking and they just starred at me and didn't even move. This is a good example of how tame these animals are to humans.

1 comment:

Adam G. said...

It's a shame in a way that the deer in Schmeekle have become so tame. I guess they can be until someone harms them. It sounds like you had an all around experience with a variety of things in the Schmeekle Reserve. Great job.